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      Editor: ks. dr Rados³aw Mazur
      Contents: 29_spis_tresci.pdf
      Year of publication: 2022
      Number of pages: 326
      ISSN: 1230-0780

      Author: Janusz Lemañski
      Title: JHWH and His maṣṣēbâ? Tel Arad and border
                   marker of territory under the protectorate of the God of Israel

      Full text: 01_lemanski_janusz.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-01
      Number of pages: 11-38


      Author: Zoltán József Bara
      Title: The Most Holy Trinity as the source and model of synodality
                   of the Church according to Dumitru Stăniloae

      Full text: 02_bara_zoltan_jozsef.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/SKK.2022.29-02
      Number of pages: 41-70

      Author: Giacomo Calore
      Title: Between philosophy and theology: the “negative” approach to the
                   concept of person in the light of the chalcedonian definition and its
                   anthropological consequences

      Full text: 03_calore_giacomo.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-03
      Number of pages: 71-85

      Author: Bogus³aw Kochaniewicz
      Title: Fatherhood of Joseph of Nazareth as perceived by Pope Francis
      Full text: 04_kochaniewicz_boguslaw.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-04
      Number of pages: 87-102

      Author: Dariusz Kowalczyk
      Title: “You shall have no other gods before Me”, in true humanism.
                   The Koszalin homily of John Paul II regarding the first
                   commandment (1.06.1991)

      Full text: 05_kowalczyk_dariusz.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-05
      Number of pages: 103-116

      Author: Aneta Krupka
      Title: Reinterpretation of the theology of imago Dei according to the
                   Adama Zieliñskiegonuptial model

      Full text: 06_krupka_aneta.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-06
      Number of pages: 117-130

      Author: Jaros³aw Kupczak
      Title: How to unite divided Poland? Two tips from John Paul II’s
                   fourth pilgrimage to his homeland

      Full text: 07_kupczak_jaroslaw.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-07
      Number of pages: 131-143

      Author: Adam Romejko
      Title: Christian-Jewish relations in the light of the works of Adam Zieliñski
      Full text: 08_romejko_adam.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-08
      Number of pages: 145-161

      Author: Henryk Wejman
      Title: Theological seminary – the place and purpose of the formation
                   of clerical students for priestly service in the diocese.
                   Analytical study of the content of Pope John Paul II’s speech
                   delivered during the consecration of Higher Theological Seminary
                   in Koszalin in 1991

      Full text: 09_wejman_henryk.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-09
      Number of pages: 163-189


      Author: Adam Bielinowicz
      Title: Physical activity in curriculum documents and selected religious
                   instruction textbooks

      Full text: 10_bielinowicz_adam.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-10
      Number of pages: 193-206

      Author: Rados³aw Mazur
      Title: Contemporary forms of idolatry – catechetical perspective
      Full text: 11_mazur_radoslaw.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-11
      Number of pages: 207-220


      Author: Józef Baniak
      Title: Trust and distrust of adult Catholics in the institutional Church
                   in Poland. Based on the results of sociological research
                   at the turn of the 20th and 21th centuries

      Full text: 12_baniak_jozef.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-12
      Number of pages: 223-248

      Author: Jaros³aw Merecki
      Title: “You shall have no other gods before me”, or truth as
                   a political problem

      Full text: 13_merecki_jaroslaw.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-13
      Number of pages: 249-257


      Author: Viktoria Bilyk
      Title: Basilian monasteries of the Right Bank of Ukraine and their
                   participation in the November Uprising of 1830

      Full text: 14_bilyk_viktoria.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-14
      Number of pages: 261-273

      Author: Angelika Grobelna-Sochaj
      Title: Retable from Lubowo (£ubowo). An example of late gothic sculpture
                   and the lay piety of the and of 15th and the beginning of 16th
                   century in Western Pomerania

      Full text: 15_grobelna-sochaj_angelika.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-15
      Number of pages: 275-292

      THE LAW

      Author: Dariusz Mazurkiewicz
      Title: Postulates de lege ferenda to novelisation the apostolic constitution
                   Vos estis lux mundi

      Full text: 16_mazurkiewicz_dariusz.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-16
      Number of pages: 295-310


      Author: Milena Cygan
      Title: The story of a painting: M. Bersanelli, A great spectacle in the sky.
                   Eight Visions of the Universe From Antiquity to Our Time
                   transl. A. Liszka-Dr±¿kiewicz, Copernicus Center Press,
                   1st edition, Krakow (Kraków) 2020, pp. 317

      Full text: 17_cygan_milena.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-17
      Number of pages: 313-318

      Author: Rados³aw Mazur
      Title: Report from the scientific conference „The Decalogue. Theological
                   reflection on the 30th anniversary of the presence
                   of Pope St. John Paul in Koszalin ”, Koszalin, 27 May 2021

      Full text: 18_mazur_radoslaw.pdf
      DOI: 10.18276/skk.2022.29-18
      Number of pages: 319-323

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